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About Checkfluid

About Checkfluid


The 1st step in oil analysis is getting a clean representative sample that can be trended over time. Checkfluid's vision is to design and manufacture a sampling valve that delivers that precision sample for the application.


As a customer, you want lubricated equipment running longer, smoother with less and less maintenance. Sampling equipment fluid regularly, like a blood test, provides amazing insights into the condition of both the equipment and the fluid. We believe, like any good practitioner, the team that finds and fixes problems before operations is even aware should be highly valued. Those Reliability and Maintenance teams, using oil analysis, quietly deliver safety, sustainability, and direct to bottom-line profitability, the key to the organization. We want to be part of those teams.


Checkfluid is grateful to our many customers around the world who have supported us. They have often provided us with the feedback, challenges and insights needed to make that often small 60 mL data-rich sample the key needed to the analysis and ultimately the critical performance of their lubricated assets. Among the many industries served, we include transportation-trucking, marine, rail, automotive, space; production equipment- gearboxes, hydraulics, compressors, filtration; energy and renewables, food, beverage, construction, packaging, pharmaceutical; forest, oil and gas, mining resources, municipal water and more.


We, the Management of Checkfluid are grateful to our people who over the years have contributed their insights and commitment to these application projects- day in day out.


Checkfluid is ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Quick Facts

Customers and Distribution: 70 countries

Years in Business: 22 - (Started September 5, 2001)

Sustainability: Estimated gallons/litres of oil saved - 55,000,000 gal/208,000,000 litres