Why Install Sampling Valves on Engines?
Sampling while the equipment is running is important to get a representative sample. If a sample is taken from the drain or a vacuum pump after the equipment is shut down, fuel that could dilute the viscosity of the oil will tend to collect at rest near the top of the reservoir, as fuel has a viscosity lighter than oil. Water or coolant, which has a viscosity denser than oil will collect near the bottom of the reservoir. Similarly soot which can may affect viscosity readings, tends to collect near the bottom of the reservoir.
For example, a KP Sampling Valve, installed in a pressure port on the engine, will draw a mixed 3 ounce/75 mL representative sample in seconds, much faster and cleaner than other methods. The reports from these active samples provide a much clearer picture of potential problems-problems that can be scheduled or acted on quickly at a much lower cost.